Christy Hurt The Center for Evaluation and Research, LLC provides comprehensive evaluation services for education, health, human service, and faith-based programs. Our experienced program evaluators work closely with our clients to provide quality process and outcome evaluation services. Christy Hurt of the Center for Evaluation and Research is the CAL-NET project evaluator. Major evaluation services offered include:

Project Overview

Map  The Rural California Early Childhood Education Professional Development Program  (CAL-NET) targets early childhood educators living in the nine county region in  northern California. Tehama County Department of Education is the recipient of  the  grant funds and has served to oversee the program and ensure that services  are  extended to all nine counties. The map to the right illustrates the nine county  region served by CAL-NET. The nine county area is large (25,000 square miles),
 but is very rural in nature with a total population of only 650,000 inhabitants.


The following staffing plan and structure have provided the effective management necessary to achieve project objectives: The Project Director oversees the administration of the CAL-NET program, including supervising the Tehama County Professional Development Specialist, the Special Education Consultant, and the Project Secretary. The nine Professional Development Specialists were each hired by their respective County Offices of Education, which provide their direct supervision. The Professional Development Specialists and the program's Special Education Consultant meet together monthly for training and planning purposes. Center for Evaluation and Research has been contracted to serve as the evaluator for the program. Carla Piper, a University of Pacific professor, has been contracted to assist with training, course and curriculum development, and development and refinement of ClipBoard. The following are the goals and objectives of CAL-NET and the progress that has made during the second year of implementation.

Goal 1

CAL-NET early childhood educators will participate in high-quality professional development that is ongoing, intensive, classroom-focused, and based on scientific research on early childhood cognitive and social development, including the age-appropriate development of oral language, phonological awareness, print awareness, alphabet knowledge, and numeracy skills, and on effective pedagogy for young children.

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